The third element required, was to produce a culture within camp, which fostered a strong positive environment centered on customer service. This portion starts when the first call is received from a respective hunter, to when a farewell wave is given at the airport. Honesty, humility, dedication and attention to details, along with the strong desire to share camaraderie with many amazing folks, formed the core of what is valued most at camp.
Lastly, a strong relationship with landowners was paramount to ensure quality long-term sustainability, in an area where ranching and farming operations have created the ideal habitat for the animals, which we hunt. Vern immediately cemented existing relationships and reached out to additional sources to secure some of the very best lands in Alberta from which to hunt. Spectacular scenery full of game provides the backdrop for one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
Facta non verba. Deeds not words. Our actions speak for themselves. Hundreds of satisfied hunters have left the ranch gate following a memorable hunt. The strongest testimony is from some of the hunters who did not harvest an animal. Many immediately rebook for another hunt before they have even left camp. McNeice Outfitting Ltd is 100% committed to providing every client with an amazing hunting trip, which provides favorable memories down the road!